With every registered Domain you receive 2 personalized Email Addresses such as [email protected] with free fraud, spam and virus protection.
Point your domain name to another website for free! Redirect users when they type your domain name into a browser (with/without domain masking & SEO)
Protect your Domain from being transferred out accidentally or without your permission with our free Domain Theft Protection feature.
Free Easy-to-use bulk tools to help you Register, Renew, Transfer and make other changes to several Domain Names in a single step.
Driven by our state-of-the-art hardware, the Varnish Caching system added to a globally distributed CDN will store the most used pages of your website, making your website up to 5 times faster (compared to a website hosted on a conventional platform).
Thanks to several commercial agreements with some of the most important operators worldwide, we have Data Centers in USA, England, India, Hong Kong and Turkey.
The Hosting services covered by this guarantee are:
Our Network is a globally distributed collection of redundant server infrastructure which hosts all our Products and Services, consists of a complex mesh of global servers that interact with each other. The entire architecture is built upon common principles of High-Availability, Clustering and n+1 Architecture.
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